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Movement Therapy in Santa Fe

Restoring alignment to the joints of your spine and extremities is important—but if you don’t retrain the muscles to hold that proper alignment, your condition will come back again and again.

At ElleWell, our goal is to help strengthen and stabilize your structure so you can feel, function and move your best with better muscle conditioning and improved overall vitality.

What Is It?

Movement therapy is an integral component of our care plans, and we will implement it at the appropriate time in your healing process. You’ll be working with a personal trainer who is part of our holistic healthcare team and knows which exercises are required for your specific condition. For example, if it’s a shoulder issue, you might be doing rotator cuff exercises. Patients with low back pain often need core stabilization and stretching.

You’ll move through a series of specific exercises to gain stability, strength and conditioning so that your joints are able to hold themselves together properly. As your condition improves, we’ll add progressive movements and exercises to further strengthen and condition the muscles.

Customized Approach

Just as your chiropractic adjustments are tailored to your needs and goals, our movement therapy is also fully customized. Depending on your condition, we might see you twice a week, twice a month or anything in between.

Our goal is to help you get back to doing the things you love as effectively and efficiently as possible

At-Home Care

In addition to your sessions in the office, you’ll have “homework” to do in between appointments. We’ll teach you the movements so you can perform the movements safely on your own. If you’re doing your homework consistently, you don’t need to come into our office to perform the exercises. However, we’ll still want you to come in when it’s time to add new movements to your routine, so we can teach you how to do them correctly.

Get Started Today

We look forward to welcoming you to our holistic medicine center! Contact us today to schedule your first appointment.




Movement Therapy Santa Fe NM | (505) 629-3116