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Meet Cynthia Machado, Movement Therapist

Cynthia photoAs a functional trainer, Cynthia believes movement starts with the body and finishes with precision and realignment, allowing the body to function properly physically and biochemically. The movements your body performs will create organ health, hormone balance and an optimum environment for healing.

Cynthia has been a certified personal trainer since 2005 and a certified yoga instructor since 2007. She specializes in functional training and has extensive experience working privately with individuals on correcting their posture and alignment. Cynthia was trained in Thailand in Thai massage methods. Her sessions are focused in alignment and precision, helping the body break free from pattern and releasing blocked energy.


Schedule Your Appointment

Experience the transformative effects of functional training with Cynthia Machado, a certified Movement Therapist. Unlock your body’s potential for organ health, hormone balance, and overall well-being through precise movements. Contact us today!


Cynthia Machado | (505) 629-3116